For a long time, making money in computer games is not surprising. And recently this market has grown hundreds of times and has a crazy turnover. Of course, big money is not easy to earn. Success in eSports directly depends on the effort and time devoted to the study of this market. Professionals make up no more than 5% of the total number of players, so finding a place in this industry is not so difficult.
Earning opportunities in eSports
Play at a professional level. This option is for the most gifted esportsmen. They earn millions, become famous all over the world, go on trips to tournaments. If you want to be among the celebrities of eSports, you need to spend many hours a day on training. If you are lucky, you will be able to get into the second-tier team, and from there you will develop further.

Commenting. It is much easier to develop here: you need to have a good computer, it is enough to understand the game being commented on and have announcer skills. Of course, for the success of the event, you need to develop an audience for yourself, which is also not easy. However, many studios will gladly hire talented commentators.
Rates. Esports is the same sport as all the others, which means that you can earn money on bets. This option is the easiest to implement and does not require many years of training. As in football and other sports, the event options do not end with a team or player winning.There are many betting options in each game and the better you analyze, the more you can earn from it.
Forecasting and analysis. It is extremely difficult to make money here, most often former athletes become analysts. In any case, the opinion must be professional, which makes it difficult to enter this type of activity.
Esports betting
For fans of computer games ー a great option to work for pleasure. Spectacle, ease of entry, relative ease of analysis of the situation help the player to quickly get used to and win the first bet. And with a fairly painstaking study of all the nuances, betting on eSports can be an excellent option for the main income.